Florida Principal Out After Viewing Of Michelangelo's 'David' Upsets Parents

My point is that as long as it's not taking away from YOUR child, YOU or a teacher or a school should not get a say in what is and isnt sexually appropriate for another parent's child. All parents should be afforded the opportunity to withhold that from THEIR child if they do choose rather than being chided, dismissed and ignored.
That's an awfully slippery slope. If said parent doesn't want their child to view a particular piece of art, but the other parents approve of it, what is that parent to do? Keep their child out of school for that day? That's not fair to that child. And I'm betting that the parent will not want to do that and will complain. Eventually, there are enough parents to force a change in curriculum. The other parents don't like this, but their concerns about their child missing out on the curriculum don't matter. Now, the children are getting less of an education because one parent thought that the statue of David was pornagraphic. If you think this is preposterous, I think you can find this happening all across the nation right now. We aren't that far from having public book burnings.

It's a tough question, right? Where do we draw the line in public schools? I know we need to take parents' concerns in consideration. I wouldn't want my child to view photos from Penthouse in school. But a classical statue that contributes to history is another matter altogether.

My part in this conversation really began when I felt that the principal shouldn't have been fired over this. Yes, they didn't follow the rules. But, it wasn't willful, it was an administrative mistake. Reprimand them, send them home without pay for a week. But, because of a parent complaining, they were fired. What if the majority of the parents liked the way the principal was running the school? They don't get a say? Nope, check my first paragraph. The loudest squeak gets the oil.