Everything Everywhere All At Once (Movie)

I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea though

It was weird but I loved every minute of it

there are plenty of 'weird' movies where I didn't know what was going on, or care what was going on, I was just waiting for it to be over
No this one isn't going to be for everyone but it might surprise a lot of people. It was nothing like I expected. Going into it I thought it was going to be one of those artsy, weird movies that usually don't grab me. But this movie wasn't just artsy and weird just for the sake of being artsy and weird, it actually had a very grounded story to tell and it was executed perfectly. This isn't your typical pretentious art film that people pretend to like. It was actually entertaining.

I'm hoping this movie's success will show Hollywood that it's okay to make art that happens to be entertaining. It's okay for a movie to be art but still be fun. This film found a middle ground between a Marvel popcorn movie and a high brow art film like Mother!.