One thing I don't want in the draft

Instead, may I suggest that 1B is modified for taking players that have had an injury "history" at the collegiate level. I'm not talking about guys who got hurt on occasion, as everyone gets hurt at some point playing football. I'm talking about the guys who frequently miss stretches of games, multiple times, or have missed entire seasons. If they can't stay healthy in college, how are they gonna stay healthy against bigger, faster, stronger guys at the next level? It's silly to expect them to, and it's stupid to think they will. I'm sure there are some guys who pulled it off, but I'll bet the odds are similar to finding the next franchise QB (or even a positional GOAT?) in the 5th-7th rounds. It could happen....but 99% chance it doesn't. So QUIT DRAFTING PLAYERS WITH INJURY HISTORIES at the college level. You're just gonna end up paying them for a career of IR.
The best example of one who pulled it off was Anthony Munoz. He only played 1 full season at USC, The other 3 were
marred with long stretches of being out with injuries to both knees. The Bengals took a chance and he went on to
be the best LT that ever played the game. That said these types are very very rare.