Indiana Jones 5?

Can't wait till it comes out and everyone says how disappointing it is.
Apparently, you don't even have to wait. The trailer has been out not even a day and already there's griping about "how bad this looks," and a big stink over the "it's called capitalism" line.

I'm on the fence. It is worrisome that Spielberg and Lucas basically had no creative input in this film nor are they actually involved other than their names being attached through "Lucasfilm" and Spielberg being named an executive producer. Then again, Spielberg directed the "Indiana Jones and Close Encounters" trash that was the fourth film, so who knows?

Mads Mikkleson is a good actor, so I would think his presence is a good sign. Then again, even Laurence Olivier was in a couple of real turkeys. It all starts with how good the script is, then next depends on if the director is good at what they do before you even get to the actors.