Mando is all Filoni and Favreau. In fact they've had to fight to keep Kennedys hands off Mando. Only reason they have the pull is Favreau being responsible for the MCU and Disney live action movies.
Rouge One and Andor are Kennedy's and they are great.
She runs the studio and greenlit the D+ shows. It’s been pretty widely reported the the success of SW on D+ is the feather in her hat that is keeping her in the good graces of the top cheese at Disney.
KK is pretty hands off creatively. In the case of the Mandoverse that has probably been a good thing. In the case the the movies, that may have been a bad thing. She has never been one to Fiege it and get super involved in creative decisions choosing instead to be a purist producer (hire the talent and let them do their thing).
She deserves the credit for the good and the bad. I’d like to see more a a Fiege type that gets involved creatively as well. I think that is always better in shared universes.