YouTube Sunday Ticket Pricing (Update - pricing announced)

I'm going to subscribe but I'm getting the plan that doesn't require YouTubeTV's base plan. 5 months of that plan is $365 and then add $249 for Sunday Ticket is $614. I can get Sunday Ticket alone for $349, so I'm in.

I look at it this way. DirecTV required you to subscribe to their service before you can buy Sunday Ticket at $293 (sometimes it was free for a year). DTV's annual subscription was $780. So YouTube is saving me money as far as I'm concerned. I don't need any of their other channels.

BTW, if you're looking to sign up, here's the link. Just click the "Get NFL Sunday Ticket" button.
Yeah, that’s how I am looking at it too. I’ll just get the standalone Sunday ticket and make my blood offering/payment to YouTube.