Which pill do you take?

This decision is harder than I thought it would be.

At first glance, go back to being a kid is the choice. I can make 10 million easy knowing what I know. I wouldn’t even have to use the stock market.

But I have kids and there isn’t any way you can make life turn out the same way twice. For no other than the for the simple fact that I don’t remember every choice I ever made. I am going to do things differently; it’s inevitable.

which of course is going to affect everything- even if I force certain situations like where I go to school, being at the exact time and place I met my wife (I don’t even remember the exact day, it was over 20 years ago.) there isn’t any way everything else won’t change.

I am certainly not going to knowingly fall 35’ and break my back when I was 23 - or get the sheet kicked out of me by the police over a crazy girl at 19.

So basically the question really becomes: “are you happy with the way your life turned out?”

In that case, I have to take the money pill. There are plenty of days I would like to do over. Not my whole life, it has been worth it so far.
I'm fine with that...my kids are so much "me" that I think they'd be exactly who they were regardless of who their mom was. In fact I'm convinced that any other woman on earth would've contributed a better 2nd 50% than the soul sucking succubus that shat them out.