Which pill do you take?

There's a zero percent chance I'd risk my marriage and my kids... so show me the money.

Also, just going back in time to my 6 year old self with my 46 year old brain would just be bananas. I couldn't really hang out with kids my own age. Do I start flirting with the 35 year old divorced mom when I'm 7? When I'm 16, do I date other 16 year olds? That'd be creepy right?

Also, could you imagine knowing about great tragedies and being unable to prevent them? I'd run out screaming while being forced to watch the Challenger accident (I still remember watching that live not know what was going to happen, I can't imagine sitting through that knowing those people were going to die and I could do nothing to prevent it). Tsunamis wiping away thousands? Nope, watch it all again knowing you can do nothing. 9/11, Iraq War -- it's all still happening... etc. I think that would drive me nuts.
Ruined it for me…