The Mandalorian discussion thread

I know that many here feel underwhelmed w/ the finale, but put me in the camp of really liking it.
I like how none of us got anything traitor-related even remotely right.
Man, the Mandos vs beskar goons airborne jet pack fight was so damn good. The Armorer was out there going full vintage Thor on some goons, she was an absolute monster. A friend of mine was like, 'I'm going to watch the finale on the screen in my wife's Tesla while we wait for her mom at the aiport.' I was like 'No sir, do not do that, this episode on a small screen is blasphemy lol.'
I can totally see why Gideon didn't think to not include any sort of failsafe to prevent all of the clones from being fragged at one, his arrogance was his ultimate undoing. I'm sure that the thought that no one would be nuts enough to attack his base with his army of beskar troops, his TIE Interceptors/bombers, and his Pretorian guards.
While I do wish that the episode was longer, at the end, I wasn't bothered by it. I didn't think that the fight b/w Mando and the 3 guards was too short, he was a father possessed who was going to save his son, and nothing was going to stop him, so he went ham on them and dispatched them in a (to me) suitable manner.
Loved seeing Mando and Bo take on Gideon together.
If the Darksaber has a crystal like a lightsaber, can't that be placed in a newly fabricated handle and fixed? Preferably one made of beskar parts by the Armorer (seeing how easily Gideon crushed it w/ his hand, I didn't think that that was a saber handle made of beskar). Does making the darksaber have to follow the same rules as lightsabers that a Jedi has to build them or since it was initially made by a Mandalorian, it can be made by a non-Jedi?
Baby Yoda saving Mando and Bo by shielding them from the flames was an all in the feels moment like as well as when he was made an apprentice (and ADOPTED).
I want to see how BY and the Mythosaur connection is further explored, is the Mythosaur force-sensitive?
I think that next season may be split w/ Mando and BY hunting down Imps in exile w/ Mandalore being rebuilt under Bo's leadership.
My Dadalorian t-shirt I bought a few yrs ago is now 100% legit.
This is the way...
