YouTube Sunday Ticket Pricing (Update - pricing announced)

The email today they sent out said this:

* Embargo disclaimer: You will generally receive out-of-market Sunday afternoon games unless the game is locally broadcast. Your billing address (zip code) is associated with your streaming access. However, due to NFL rules, you might also see blackout restrictions based on your mobile device’s location (e.g., subscribers might not be able to stream while attending an NFL game or in surrounding stadium areas). If there is an outage in your location, we’ll do our best to let you know.

So it looks like if your billing address is located in New Orleans (like mine is) it kind of defeats the purpose of buying Sunday Ticket if when I travel to other cities during the season I won't be able to watch Saints games because YT will have my streaming access tied to New Orleans (my billing address).
but you would still get the local channels from your billing zipcode, right, so you would be able to watch them on Fox 8 (or Fox 44 if BR area).