Your memories

My visual memory is awful. Almost aphantic. I have almost 0 memory of the mundane. I'm terrible with names and I forget people easily.

I recall things through my internal monologue. A language based form of recall? I almost have to recall things chronologically. When I try to remember things, I remember almost everything which can be unfortunate. Things that didn't make sense as a child are all too clear as an adult.

The ability to forget is a gift that can seem like a problem until you remember the wrong things.

This ties into the blue pill $10 million dollars vs. red pill current brain in your six year old body thread.

I remember things, as an adult, with a different understanding and perspective. There are people who were going through hell and I didn't understand.

If I could get that red pill...

Having a good memory isn't necessarily a gift. Sometimes, you have to forget to be happy.