YouTube Sunday Ticket Pricing (Update - pricing announced)

I would think so.

When I travel away from the city, YTTV bases my local channels off the city I'm in.
But I'm reading their disclaimer as even if I'm in, say New York, and have the New York local channels, they are still going to not allow me to watch the Saints game due to my billing zip code being a New Orleans address.

I ran into a similar thing with the NBA. Had League Pass and even when I went out of Louisiana to other states, it would tell me I couldn't watch Pelicans games due to "local blackout restrictions."
YTTV still has your home area as nola so can still record that area but will have to wait for the recording to finish before can access it on your dvr while out of town. Of course would have to have set the recording before leaving home or can use a browser extensions like location guard to change your location to anywhere in the US and watch live via YTTV.

Only works if using a US IP aadress. If are out of the country and try and use a US VPN, have never tried it so I am unsure if youtube tv senses a vpn is being used and wont allow it?