Bryan Breese high school highlights

Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? Obviously it's horrible what he went through but regardless his film is really unimpressive and not someone I would touch in the first.

It's supposed to be saying it's obvious that someone coming off an ACL tear the year before, missing a month of practice due to a sister dying and getting rounds of IV antibiotics won't be putting up All-Pro caliber film even if they're Lawrence Taylor.

Anyone who has gotten admitted to a hospital for IV antibiotics knows you lose ten or 20 pounds of weight in days and takes weeks to fully get back to strength and energy, much less playing an D1 football game.

Someone was actually on here writing about how Bresee being on a snap count the first game back (Florida State) was evidence of his talent level. It wasn't, it's actually evidence of him being a damn warrior. Once again, we're not drafting Bresee for his previous year, we're drafting his for his next 5 years.