New Car Help (with pole)

The Audi salesman actually said he’d buy my Acura. If anything, I’ll sell it in lieu of trading in. Or May keep it as my TJ car (car to drive across the border)

That is the other part I don’t know what to do… the negotiation on price. I don’t know how much they’ll budge, what’s common, etc. I’ll hold out forever lol bc I am not pressured to buy a new car since I have a perfectly good car & don’t commute, I’m not in a huge rush.

When I originally decided to buy a new car, immediately told myself I wanted an Audi. Then, like some are trying to do here, people are like “well have you seen/driven xyz car” and I’m like no and I don’t want to. The only one I actually considered was the Lexus because at one point like a decade ago, I wanted the IS so I went and drove them both.

I like the body styles of both and they are the only 2 I’m considering. I. Fact when I went out for a run the other day, literally both cars I wanted were parked adjacent to each other and I couldn’t decide just based on looks alone.

I have a friend with an A8 and he loves it. I have several friends that drive Lexus’ or had them and all have nothing but good things to say about the reliability and service.

I don’t commute and drive 100 miles maybe on a “busy” week lol (because if I go out and drink or anything, I’m Ubering or also Uber when I’m going some place with a sheete parking situation to not deal with the hassle) - so I feel that maintenance will be relatively low for me no matter what.
If you keep the Acura for long drives and TJ trips, I say get the Audi, drive it for 25K miles (which sounds like it maybe 3-4 years for you) and trade it in before you get to the 30K service)

An Audi A 8 is probably going to have ~$8K in margin. I have not bought a new vehicle since the market disruption of COVID and Computer Chips. If they still have a supply issue, you may not be able to negotiate a discount, and may even be charged a premium. If you are willing to take a color they have in stock on the lot, then you can get a better deal than you would if you order one with specifics.

The $8K margin is included in the MSRP, and if the sticker has a "Market Price Adjustment" that is profit for the dealership on top of the $8K margin.

I'd check a couple of dealerships, if none have added a Market Price Adjustment, I'd ask for a $4K discount to start and see where it goes from there. If they all have a Market Price Adjustment, you may be in a spot where you are gonna have to pay what they want, if you want the car.

Good Luck!
Be sure to come back and post pics of what you pick out!