Bryce Young at rookie mini camp

Were linemen as big when Flutie was playing? I don't remember that being the case then.
I remember hearing that the average for NFL O lineman is something like 6'5" and for D lineman it's like 6'3". I don't know what the averages were back in Flutie's day but it's safe to assume that the lineman were shorter. Especially interior lineman.

Who knows though. Bryce Young didn't seem to have trouble throwing over the LOS at bama against SEC competition so maybe he'll do fine. I just can't wrap my mind around a 5'10" dude standing behind a NFL wall of humanity and consistently scanning the field and making the right throw. Drew was a few inches taller and it took so much effort for him to see downfield. He had to basically get on his tippy toes and put his head straight up in the air to see. Makes all he accomplished even more impressive.