ChatGPT was asked to list the top NFL Teams since 2000, you'll be surprised where the Saints ranked

Smh, and 2009 wasn't even our best team. But yeah, I can see where the robot is coming from. If you look at who we beat that season it's pretty impressive. That team beat so many good teams and faced so many top QBs. In the regular season they beat Stafford, Eli, Brady, Matt Ryan twice and then in the playoffs they faced Warner, Favre, and Manning.
I still remember how much praise Belichick was heaping on us after that beat down. One quote:

"They were better than we were in every phase of the game. I don't know how to put it any other way. They were better coached. They played better on offense and defense. They were better in the kicking game. They covered better than we did. They were obviously the better team."