Ted Lasso

So much awesome again in this episode:
Ted finally tells his Mom what's what.
Jamie's personal growth, his Mom saying how she bawled when he went into the England game and her rooting for him during the Man United game was so damn good.
Van Damme going full 2014 WC Tim Howard in the game was great.
Beard forgiving Nate in the way that he did was so well done. Jade is like a Jedi lol.
When Ted tells Rebecca that he has to tell her something at the end, is it that he quits? I sense that after how he broke down over his son.
Ted's WiFi Password was hysterical, as were Jamie's Roy Kent/Keeley posters.

Only one more episode, reality is gonna suck w/o Ted Lasso (unless a spin off is in the works), fingers crossed...