Semper's Stupendous to Infinity and Beyond Everything Marvel Movie/TV Thread

I’d be curious to see if there is hard analysis about this
Seemingly everyone flooded the market during Covid- just content on top of content with new streaming services appearing overnight
And now we’re in a hard contraction phase - but a contraction phase was inevitable regardless of less audience ‘post’-covid
So I’m not sure what lessons were learned or even if there were lessons to be learned
And now we’re still in contraction/merger when the writers
Strike happens
I doubt there will be any real lessons learned- just market corrections

Now… what follows is whatever my phone picked up at a pool party - no idea why it was recording or who even is talking
But it feels like prehistoric chatgpt, so…enjoy

people people work with opinions and stuff some things good night how are you doing good yeah well finish yeah boys and I go camping Monday where are you going Mississippi? I said Birmingham mine so I got friends in in Birmingham. I’ll go visit them Monday and they go camping Germany mountain or something like that OK after that I’m all right I’m like 75% there I’m like so on that trip already that’s fine he had a rough year I was going on together this summer and happy birthday cousin handsome little smiling Fulman and his muscles. Yes, it was a good year in the bowl theater theater speech and debate OK that’s cool we had this our headmaster is leaving which I’m super bummed about but his son owns palmettos in Slidell never heard of it. I had heard of it before I ease way. Upscale rustic place on the Bayou like this for a second home, so I’m sorry to Palmetto as I was just remembering that the lunch it was like ridiculously nice little walk down the bayou you the commute is not the 79 still tell me the only the only part about it is that it gives me time to time it’s just another where in tear on the car yeah no tires and catalytic converter than 11,000 yeah but now the drive itself is Minnesota virus yeah I Wish You Were Here is good good who are the who are the people because he’s not in daycare yet? Izzy know who had well that Mateo oh my god he’s so handsome OK on my neighbors parents friends I’m sure you can. Yeah people like a wedding you know what I mean we haven’t done anything to celebrate like we didn’t do like a shower up at four and we were going to have a party and we didn’t and so we have not celebrated with an M do you know we’re having another one? What oh my God I have an a little girl , I obviously am not a spring chicken back to back same certain Petra doing it for us again is a raven. I’m also tough so October so that’ll be good really interesting to see it that’s it that’s a pretty good age range that he probably did you know he’s not old enough to get that that possessive yeah do you know Jay are you doing here? I just saw your picture why did I see your picture sent about Julian archaeology he had a headache and I’m assuming it’s a Facebook post just trying to rack my brains just had to do recent PhD in Canada graduates or something yeah, that was it and what it was , OK then it must been what it was. Chris’s post or something first and last graduation. Yeah department there. Did you still know it’s been a while right? Yeah yeah now I’m on the North Shore now. Yeah you’re Reading Andrea Samo see what your brothers doing. Good wonderful, so what you doing I’m on the road teaching on the North Shore Christ episcopal in Covington know we still like we like a block away from Newman so I can do two hours every day. Yeah but is it the directions good it’s not with in a regular committing traffic. yeah it’s it’s pretty chill and I don’t want you know I’ll be don’t like the causeway. I don’t mind at night stand meditative. M
We are blessed by your words this day