The Recipe Thread [tm--CajunCook]

I call it chicken fricase but it may be something else entirely.

Take a whole cut up chicken or about a pound and a half of boneless skinless chicken.
season with salt and pepper(don't be shy).

cut up some gahlic. a head should do it.

Heat up a pan thats big enough to put all of your chicken and a decent amount of gravy when finished together.

Coat your chicken in flour and slightly brown it on both sides in butter using about a 3rd of your garlic in the process. And at least a half o stick of butter.

Now I don't have exact measurments here but you can figure it out.

After chicken is browned on both sides add some water until you think it would make enough gravy to serve over noodles and chicken for whoever is eating

Bring to a slight boil and stir in some more flour to thicken gravy.

After you get your gravy to a slightly thinner consistency than your liking add the rest of your garlic and the other half of the butter stick.

Maybe a little more salt and pepper to your taste and cook for 30 mins to an hour on med low/simmer type of heat covered depending on your desired falling of the bonedness of your chicken. With a lower heat for a longer cook time.

Stir every about every 10 or 15 mins.

Serve over boiled eggnoodles with the veggie of your choice.

I prefer it with some green beans thrown together with pepper and onions and a lil garlic/butter in a skillet or small frying pan whatever.

Goes good with stomach acid.