I think we have an addition to best TV endings, yea?
That opening was just great
There was fan service all over the place and it was really well done
I'm wondering if Trent's book is all 4 seasons. Like it's basically the entire show in that book
It was weird Ted wasn't at Beard's wedding though. But just so fitting it was at Stonehenge (the internet seems to think it was all dream sequence)
I woke my dogs up when that last goal got scored. I got way into their games haha. I was also begging the TV to let Nate call the play in.
The callback to Ted seeing the offsides
"You should change the name. It's not about me, it never was" is at least our opening to a spin-off type series though. I feel like didn't announce it as a series finale so they could figure out if it was worth continuing.