Education / Teaching thread

Practice for sure. I know some schools already do this but a STEM like course for a few weeks during the summer would be great for older kids. I also don’t think one of the poorest parts of the country, with the lowest education metric scores, needs to be taking almost 4 months worth of breaks a year. I see Mississippi has shortened their summers by a week and that is a step forward. I hear it all the time from my family in Louisiana about a week off for mardi gras etc. Just seems kind of backbuttwards for a state that is known for bad education.

This is flawed thinking. The issue isn't time in the classroom. It's socio-economic, full stop. You could add two months to the school year with the kids I'm dealing with right now and it would improve nothing and in fact would probably make things worse. For them, me, and the school at large. Their academic issues are part of a larger, deeper problem that no one in a classroom setting has the resources or abilities to fix on a meaningful scale.