Education / Teaching thread

Yes, yes, yes. It's just easier to blame teachers when the almighty state test scores are not good. We have exactly ZERO control over what happens when the students leave our classroom. We can't go home and help them study. We can't go home and make them get enough sleep. We can't go home and make sure they have food to eat.


Back in April, I was teaching a class (worst I've ever had behaviorally and academically. Was literally like something out of a movie.) and I was trying to motivate a couple of students who I felt actually had potential they were no living up to. They weren't engaging in test prep so I tried talking to them. The response I got was this, verbatim:

"School don't mean nothing. You don't need school to make money. I can make more than you selling drugs."

The fork am I supposed to do with that? That's so fundamentally forking broken that you're going to hold that kid's scores against me? fork outta here with that. He made an Unsat, btw. Shocking,