Familes that are still together

While there is some merit in the argument, this bill is absolutely ridiculous. Also, as with most issues, legislation is not the answer. Hopefully, this bill will die a quick death, but perhaps it will bring some much needed discussion about poverty in Louisiana and discussion of some real answers to the problem instead of nonsense like this.

I would change the statement "The destruction of marriage has resulted in widespread child poverty in Louisiana," to "The destruction of marriage has contributed to widespread child poverty in Louisiana." Acting like the fragmentation of the institution of marriage is the linchpin of widespread child poverty is an overstatement at the very least. Certainly, a contributing factor (to child poverty, not overall poverty), but far from the only one (and to be honest, a lot of the problem has to do with various current legislation, both state and federal, that hinder industry and employment, which leads to poverty).
Trying to force people to act a certain way is a communist/socialist response. Is the Republican Party really trying to go the direction they're always accusing the Democratic Party of going?

Foolishness. There is only one way to change a person's life for the better, and that is to get involved in their life, personally, one on one. Providing encouragement and opportunity for success is how to combat poverty, not passing laws that will "make people act a certain way." Sweeping government legislation will fail every time because trying to put a one-size-fits-all law on people simply cannot succeed because there is no average scenario; everyone is a "special case." It's part of being human.
This is the primary answer obviously (as well as primary answer to crime, health, drugs, et al)
Fix (ie, rebalance) the economy and kill many birds with a very big stone

Obviously some grew up in houses that didn’t model successful marriages (up and down the economic spectrum), so might have some built in struggles- but limiting divorce options solves exactly zero problems