Semper's Stupendous to Infinity and Beyond Everything Marvel Movie/TV Thread

My main issue with the MCU as a whole is that the first phases were clearly building up to the big baddie at the end, they were on a defined path that lead to that showdown. Now, I have no idea where they are going. It's like the difference between a rifle and a shotgun.

I've thought about this a lot after the realitve disappointment of phase 4, and I think I've settled on this:

Marvel had some very important decisions to make after Endgame. It was in a sense the finale of everything up to that point. They needed to have a very clear and solid road map of what the next big arc was, what characters would be introduced and how, etc.

Instead what they did was flood the market. More movies per year. Disney plus shows that had other Disney plus shows start as soon as they ended. New characters popping up all over the place without a chance to breathe or for audiences to get attached to them. It was just too much, too fast, and too directionless.

They seem to have learned some lessons. There have been several recent changes. They're going to reduce their content output. They're going back to more established writers and directors. They've reshuffled their slate to give things more time to develop. They canned Victoria Alonzo who by all accounts was a terror to the already overworked VFX houses they used. Those are good signs.

They can right the ship, hopefully.