How to Survive a Grizzly Bear Attack
1. Carry bear spray. Experts recommend that hikers in bear country carry with them bear pepper spray.
UDAP bear spray is a highly concentrated capsaicin spray that creates a large cloud. This stuff will usually stop a bear in its tracks.
2. Don’t run. When you run, the bear thinks you’re prey and will continue chasing you. Don’t think you can outrun a bear; they can reach speeds of 30 mph. So stand your ground.
3. Drop to the ground in the fetal position and cover the back of your neck with your hands. If you don’t have bear spray or the bear continues to charge even after the spray, this is your next best defense. Hit the ground immediately and curl into the fetal position.
4. Play dead. Grizzlies will stop attacking when they feel there’s no longer a threat. If they think you’re dead, they won’t think you’re threatening. Once the bear is done tossing you around and leaves, continue to play dead. Grizzlies are known for waiting around to see if their victim will get back up……..