Woman killed on her wedding day by drunk driver

Similar tragedy
A honeymoon turned tragic when a newlywed husband drowned while snorkelling in Hawaii — and thieves robbed the couple’s rental car as bystanders attempted to save him.

Steven and Brittany Phan tied the knot in a ceremony on 20 May in Mexico before setting off to the paradisiac Hawaiian island of Oahu to celebrate their first trip as a married couple, KITV4 reports. But in a matter of hours, their blissful trip took a heartbreaking turn.

The California honeymooners had been snorkelling right off the shore of Electra Beach on 1 June when Phan vanished under the water. Beachgoers frantically searched for him until a spear diver pulled his body from the ocean and bystanders began to perform CPR on him.

Amid the panic, a group of thieves stole all of the Phans’ belongings, including their rental car, cellphones, wallets and clothes. Emergency responders who arrived at the scene took over efforts to resuscitate Phan but he ultimately died at a hospital.

“That’s just unreal, you question that person as a human being,” spear fisherman Shin Tamashiro told KITV4. “Some people don’t have the decency, the integrity, just the morals.”……

There was a woman I had danced with who had recently given birth to their first baby (they hadn’t been married very long)
Both families met at a lake to celebrate the new baby
When the grandparents were leaving, she and the baby got out of the water to say goodbye and he stayed to get a last swim in
When she came back, no husband
Seemingly some stroke or heart attack
That story always haunts me