the start of show notes 2-11-08

june jone 2-08-08

New Mustangs football coach is anything but ordinary
07:27 PM CST on Friday, February 8, 2008
By KATE HAIROPOULOS / The Dallas Morning News

June Jones III couldn't walk when he came out of the coma in March 2001. Yet he was lucky in infinite ways after his Lincoln Town Car smashed into a Honolulu overpass. Most people who suffer torn aortas are paralyzed if they survive at all.

Jones just wanted out of the hospital.

The doctor said he could leave when he could lap the labyrinth of hallways on his floor.

After two weeks of painstaking progression, dragging his body and his IV-on-wheels, he finally did it.

Jones ripped the tubes out of his nose and arms, called Artie Wilson, his best friend from childhood, to pick him up and left.
"I never went back," Jones said.