The Navy coming out and saying they heard the implosion hours after they lost contact does not sit well with me at all. If the reason for not saying they suspected that in the first place was to not inform other nations of our deep sea monitoring capabilities then I don't see why they felt the need to go ahead and say it now. They essentially created/allowed 4 days of grim media coverage, not to mention allowed mobilization of rescue efforts rather than recovery/confirmation efforts (assuming they didn't notify any of those parties prior to the public that they suspected they were dead), and in terms of people related to those on board gave them false hope. As it affects me directly it's basically just another case of government/media manipulation, irritating enough on it's own but not something that surprises me, but when I think about how I'd feel if I called anyone on board that thing family or a friend and was basically strung along for 3-4 days I would be very very P'Oed off.