That fits with what I've been saying.
Look for Prigozhin becoming head henchman as he's always been for Putin, but now he seems to be for Lukashenko. And part of the deal is that Lukashenko brings Belarus into the federation. A necessity to bring this lost war to a close.
The reason that is a necessity, is that allows Russia to back down from a lost war with Ukraine, a war that they've obviously lost. Without their population becoming unhinged because it contains the elements of a win for Russia because Belarus joins the Russian federation.
Not a win, but a compromise they can sell to their people as a significant win.
Lukashenko when he was in contention for becoming the Russian federation leader before the breakup of the Soviet Union was very like Putin. They agreed on just about everything except for who would lead Russia.
This explains why Putin gave Belarus tactical nuclear weapons two months ago. One has to always keep the nuclear bomb tea leaves in mind with predicting the future. That was a necessary sweetener to make the deal. One which had to be set in place ahead of time.
That was something I couldn't understand until now. That was to set the ground in Belarus, to set this up so that Lukashenko would have something positive to say to his people about why it is OK for them to join Russia now. Russia trusts them with their nuclear weapons.
I don't know if it will come to pass right now. That depends on the life span of Putin. He's dying that I do know. What I do not know is when.
I think Lukashenko is the key for Putin's gang to continue on in spite of Putin making a grave mistake in war. Lukashenko as an outsider solves a lot of problems that anyone who is an insider could not solve in order to take power at this point in time.
This might be the time or a bit later might be the time. That depends on Putin's health. But he's dying and that will bring him to a close. Something has to account for all of the necessities so that the very rich continue to be very rich.
This is what I see in the tea leaves at the bottom of the tea cup.