Trying to somewhat adequately repair Russia's international reputation, image and even its economy will still likely take decades to occur and honestly, as Dave pointed out in a later post, certain prerequisites will involve paying hundreds of millions, if not billions in dollars, in reparations to Ukraine to rebuild devastated cities' schools, hospitals, roads, apartment complexes, homes, many currently-destroyed basic or complex infrastructural damages that occured due to Russian bombs, mortar strikes, or drone attacks in Kherson, Bakhmut, Kviv, Kharviv, Donestsk, Dombas region, etc.
They'd have to give up Crimea and all other contested areas they now control in eastern Ukraine, some politicians in NATO countries like US and UK might try and push for Putin, and other high-ranking Russian generals, oligarchs to be handed over to International Tribunal in Hague to face war crimes (that ultimately might be an unrealistic request), Russian influence and naval power in the Black Sea would be significantly hampered, economically and militarily. Russia would have to feel some significant pain in terms of the consequences of their actions. It won't be nice, it will likely be very unpleasant, and seem extremely painful and no doubt, some sections, including influential parts of Russian society might deem it unfair and excessive. Their international image, reputation, and perception will also take a long, slow time to recover, if it ever fully does, regardless of binding treaties or armistices.
The thing is, I'm not entirely sure most anti-Putin oligarchs realize the high political and economic cost their going to have to pay, be seen to agree to it and be despised, loathed by large swaths in Russian society as traitors just to try and restore Russia's pre-2022 business, financial contacts. Just overthrowing Putin and his henchmen and telling NATO, EU, G7, "Oh, we're different, more rational, less aggressive types" isn't going to be enough, in of itself.