Do you think aliens in ufos have visited Earth? (And all things UFO)

I think what you're going to see going forward is this build up to a soft disclosure over the next few years to get people ready. If Aliens were revealed today, you'd have mass hysteria, I know a lot of religious folk personally that told me it would shatter their entire world if aliens or some non-human intelligence not from this world are real. Supposedly these hearings on the things Grusch alleged will be happening sometime in July unless congress has to table it due to something big happening in Ukraine.
If aliens were revealed today there would be mass hysteria among certain masses. I could speculate about those who would be hysterical about this, but I believe it would be among the less educated, less traveled group of folks. I think the shock would be widespread, but overall there be more of a worry about how this changes things if it at all does. It all comes down to immediate threat and what that threat is. Here is a basic list of threats to humans:

- Pandemics (are they infected with or carrying something we cannot counter and is that dangerous to humans?)
- War (can they destroy us or destroy the Earth? Do they want to? Did they come in peace?)
- Systems/Financial Collapse (does their existence pose a threat to our political, economic, communications, or other systems?)
- Loss of biodiversity (does their presence endanger species that the Earth and its people rely on for living?)
- Intelligence (artificial or natural - and all that comes with advanced intelligence)
- Climate change (does their presence further the deterioration of Earth's climate?)

Let's say we have some crashed ships and alien bodies.
- Are they still here?
- Have we learned anything from the technology?
- Who actually has them? We cannot assume the USA has exclusive access.
- Does the presence of these artifacts reveal any immediate threat to our country? Hemisphere? World?
- How long have we known?
- Is there more than one "group" or "race" or "biology"?

I could go on, but once a handful of big questions have been answered only certain groups will be interested in the details.

Let's say we have live aliens.
- How many?
- Can we communicate with them, even if it is only rudimentary communication?
- Can we communicate with them well enough to know if they present any sort of immediate threat?
- Do we understand their biology enough to understand how their presence and microbiota affect those around them?

Again, a complex set of things arise and present many more questions for those concerned with the details. The TV preacher, politician, and talking heads will not concern themselves with anything outside of the questions of immediate threat. Some will take shallow dives but only a small group will want any more than the basic details. Those who are curious have already observed what they've observed and would not participate in the hysteria. Those in the business of hysteria will rejoice because they'll have extra tools with which to feed their followers.

I can recall checking out "Chariots of the Gods" from the library in the late '60s and have followed along relatively voraciously since then and this is what I base my speculation (and questions) on for now. I'm one of the curious, one of the ones who may have suspected all along that we knew something more than we've let on.