All Time Saints Roster: Drafted vs Free Agents
Free agents have Brees, Horn, Demario, and Vilma. But the draft picks are crazy deep at every position on both sides. We drafted a lot of star talent at all skill positions since the 80s.
Drafted RBs are loaded with AK, Deuce, Reggie, and Ingram. Pierre and Sproles would light up the screen game with Drew for the FAs. But they won’t be able to run the ball on Cam, Martin, Wilks and Will Smith. The best OL are all on the drafted side; Roaf, Nicks, McCoy, Evans, & Ram. Elite OL unit.
Lattimore and Porter/or Waymer could lock up Horn and Pathon/or Moore most of the time. On the other side, Thomas and Colston win at least half of the matchups against Greer and McKenzie combined. No all time defensive FA can cover Jimmy Graham.