GPU - Dual Monitor Issue

So, after all of that, I THINK I have it figured out. I got the computer back from the repair center who told me they were unable to duplicate the problem. But, it was clear that they either replaced the SSD or that they did a factory reset (That's what I assume they did). I connected everything turned it on, and went through the steps of setting up a new installation of Windows 11. This was on a Thursday. I used it for a couple of hours on Thursday and a couple of hours of Friday, and everything seemed fine. I installed all of my software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite CS6, Autodesk Fusion360, Google Chrome, a few 3d printer slicers, and a C compiler for programming microcontrollers).

Saturday morning, I turned it on, and when it got to the Asus Republic of Gamers screen, it hung. I attempted to restart a few times, and eventually got to the Windows discovered a problem screen. I did a factory reset, and went through all of the steps again. This time, when I was installing my software, I noticed that a couple of titles gave me an error that a particular driver/dll was blocked from loading, and I clicked "ignore." I remembered getting that error when I was installing my software the first time. After getting all of the software installed, I restarted the computer, and again it hung at the ROG screen.

I googled the error message I was getting about those drivers, and the suggested fix was to turn off the Memory Integrity setting in the Windows security. I did another factory reset, and once Windows was installed, I turned off Memory Integrity. I installed all of my software, and it has been working fine for the past few weeks. The event viewer shows one unexpected shut down, but I don't remember it happening. It's entirely possible that occurred due to a power outage.

I dug a little deeper, and apparently there is an issue with some drivers flagging as expired or invalid with Windows 11, and memory integrity blocking their installation. This is leading to unexplained blue screens, crashes, restarts, and inability to boot.