what would you do?

If you cant get your partner that was assigned to do this assignment,then dont bother defendng him or thinking he deserves any speical treatment. dude, you did your fair share, do not worry about bailing his butt out if he did not carry his own weight. I must say it sounds a bit unusual that you were given a partner to do this assignment. I am a history major myself and at not point did some professor here ever give me a partner to help with a major paper. I mean my *** was on the line if I had to do a paper, big ones included, that someone else was needed to help me out on it.

I know LSU is a bit different place then USA, but what I am hearing is a bit unusual. this is something new to me. Reb Saint went to Ole Miss and God only knows he has never told me they allowed him to use a partner in a major history paper. Maybe in graduate school they did but not where I go too. USA is a different animal.

Can I ask what assignment you had to do, lsu