
OK Potheads, I need advice!
Those are words I never once thought I would say.

Anyways, my wife and I have wanted to try marijuana for a long time but we’ve always felt we had to be completely sober at all times due to our son’s disabilities and mental illness. Lately we’ve been pretty stressed. He attacked my wife and is now in a psychiatric facility. Because he’s out of the house for a while, we’re looking to try something. I’m looking for an edible that is pretty weak in potency (because we’re new to this) and really meant for relaxing.

We really don’t know where to start so I thought I‘d check in with this thread to see what ideas y’all have. What should we be looking for? Are their brands or marijuana sub species we should keep an eye out for? The last think I want is my wife to be taking “el diablo“ and freaking out to the point we never try this again. If it helps enhance the ‘mood’ for married couples, then bonus..

Thoughts? Comments? We’re in the Denver area so we have access to any specialty shops that are around here. Thanks brothers and sisters.
I'm there as well. Haven't actually tried it myself either.