Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I thought maybe my opinion was well-known as well, but I guess not. I thought you and I agreed that it was best for your own health to get the shot, but that it is still a persons choice whether to get it or not. And that people shouldn't be beaten with the shame stick for their decision.
We agree here, I just think people still denying the efficacy of the vaccine 3 years after Covid started is really ridiculous. But clearly some haven't changed their opinions on it. But I guess the science and data doesn't matter to them on that point.
And I mean no offense to you because I completely respect your opinion, but I wasn't seeking your affirmation of my feelings.
And that's fine. We won't see eye to eye on some things. That's life.
That's not what I said. I said that most people who contract it are asymptomatic.
Ok, i read most people who get vavcinated are asymptomatic. But yeah, a lot, but not quite most people who contract it are asymptomatic.
Especially given that you're more likely to be asymptomatic if you're vaccinated and 70% . According to Medical News Today, 40.5% of people who contract the virus have no symptoms. That study was done in Dec 2021 and now we've gone well beyond the numbers of vaccinations at that time since the first roll out was only a year prior. So, again, my reasoning says that most carriers would be asymptomatic and the data in that article seems to support that.
40% isnt most people, but it is a large number who are asymptomatic.
See above

So, if the number of asymptomatic is 1-3% of the population, then what percent would you say the symptomatic makes up? I'm not sure if your figures add up. I'd like to see some current data on that, but since they're not testing anywhere close to levels they were during the height, I doubt anybody could give you that data now.
I'm ballparking the percentage asymptomatic at a given time. Asymptomatic people iirc are contagious like 4-7 days. So ultimately a small percentage of the population is going to be asymptomatic at a given time. But you're right in that current data will be more difficult to track because like 18 or 19 states are no longer reporting Covid stats.
The only think you're assuming is that the sick person will stay away. I can only speak anecdotally in that regard. Since we're allowed to work from home as needed, employees are MUCH more likely to stay home when they are sick.
I'm assuming most symptomatic people will stay home if sick, but some don't. It's stupid to do so, and i would hope none of my co-workers come to the office with symptoms.
I agree with some of the other posters that you can blame politics for that, but on both sides of the aisle. People treat me like I'm stupid for having concerns then I'm going to be MUCH less likely agree with their demands and/or believe what they are telling me. It doesn't help either when much of what they claim while they are beating me over the head turns out not to be true.
I think Chuck really explains the whole politics progression much better than I could and I pretty much agree with his take.