N/S Payton critiques old Broncos staff, says Jets are setting themselves up for a hard fall, etc.
I know everyone says Payton has always been petty or a smack talker, but while I agree I also seem to remember it being more calculated and he’d actually admonish people for going overboard.
Remember him sending jars of peanut butter and sand to Gregg Williams the week of the Super Bowl?
I get the logic of him saying what he said. He wants to build his team/players up and install a new culture. Yet, I do think burying Hackett and throwing shade at the Jets could come back to haunt him. Of course if he rights the ship in Denver and gets Russ to play better all of this will just add his lore. So it is a gamble but he has always been a gambler.
but I do think Payton of 2009 would send 2023 Payton a jar of sand.