
I've noticed a bit of a chaotic feel to a couple posts in this thread like something is spilling into the thread. On Twitter I find a pronounced chaotic feel. That seems to be where it is coming from.

Noticeable is a theme that the US is not doing enough, and woe, excessive death and destruction to come. There is also a growing theme that the US has been underhanded in secrete talks with Russians which undermines Ukraine.

Here's an article on that point published by the Moscow Times, then republished by the Euromaidan Press:
I think that article is made of garbage. I don't believe any part of it at all. There might be real elements in it, but the way it is stitched together looks unreal.

Putting together what I'm seeing in an overall sense is that Russian sly propaganda is spilling over.

Ukraine is clearly winning this war. The US has been a good and kind ally in supporting them. This trash is attempting to undermine and cause strife.

Someones on the Internet are being big bad trolls. And they are fooling other more reasonable someones on the Internet into retweeting and propounding further on their garbage.

I'm seriously questioning everything I'm currently seeing. Part of war is propaganda, and its becoming apparent to me that it has invaded by pro-Russia and has achieved a larger foothold at Twitter.