Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I'm back.

Facebook, Twitter censored the lab leak info. I know, I was censored.
Facebook, Twitter censored comments about Ivermectin helping with some people and their symptoms. I know, I was censored.
Facebook, Twitter censored comments regarding "If you get the vax and booster, you will not contract or spread Covid" I called that out to be a lie, Guess what, I was censored and suspended.
And keeping with being censored, but not Covid........I posted about the Biden laptop back in December of 2020. Once again, I was censored.
The only thing FB did was hurt your feelings by not letting you spew misinformation. This is not censorship.

Here's an example of govt censoring. It's only 1 example and there are many others. So please do let folks know when you find censoring. I hope this helps you spot real censorship should it happen.
Alexei Gorinov, 60, was arrested in April after he was filmed criticising the invasion in a city council meeting.
Under the post-invasion law, anyone who spreads "fake news" about the military faces up to 15 years in jail.
Russians are banned from using the word war to describe the invasion.