Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Google it. It's pretty much common knowledge. Tahibi and Schellenberger testified in Washington. Zuckerberg admitted himself that the FBI leaned on FB to censor, erase or suspend accounts.

This is actually accurate.
Facebook removed content related to COVID-19 under pressure from the White House, including posts claiming the virus was man-made, according to internal company communications leaked to The Wall Street Journal.

“Can someone quickly remind me why we were removing — rather than demoting/labeling — claims that Covid is man made,” Nick Clegg, the company’s president of global affairs, asked in a July 2021 email to colleagues.

According to the outlet, a Facebook vice president in charge of content policy responded: “We were under pressure from the administration and others to do more,” referencing the Biden administration.

“We shouldn’t have done it,” the VP added.

Here is the story from the Wall Street Journal but it is behind a paywall.