Woman killed on her wedding day by drunk driver

Absolutely. I'll never understand anyone willingly consuming alcohol and driving during or soon after. I've had friends who were hit by drunk drivers. And i know families who've lost loved ones to drunk drivers.

It just pisses me off to no end when you can take a cab or uber or public transportation home. It's really not that hard. Either that or take your drinks home. Some people don't care if their actions harm others. Ugh.
I've mentioned it before, but when my wife was in middle school, her grandmother was taking her to school at 7am and they were hit by a drunk driver on his way home from work, he drank multiple beers on his ride home, but he "wasn't drunk yet"... They had to use the jaws of life to get her out of the car. She broke her Femur. not fracure, but a complete break. she was in the hospital in traction for 6 weeks, then wheelchair, then crutches.