Yeah, there's simply no excuse for Thor 4. Christian Bale seemed to be in a different film. But even his performance couldn't save the rest of that mess. It's almost like the writers and director sat around a table and played a game about who could one up the other by coming up with the worst idea, then they actually used every one of the terrible ideas they used in their game. Basically every choice they made was wrong in that waste of celluloid.
However, none of the other recent films deserve to be called dreadful. Black Panther certainly was underwhelming, but not dreadful. Quantamania was pretty good despite the absence of Luis, and I don't understand any hatred for Multiverse of Madness. It was a really good film and a lot of fun.
Okay, actually "Love and Thunder" shouldn't be called dreadful either, because that word doesn't begin to describe how bad it was.