Alvin Kamara meeting with Roger Goodell (Update: “Meeting went very well”)

So much for a neutral party making the disciplinary decisions. I knew it was BS when they said they were moving to this system for handing out suspensions, but this just proves it. I wish the NFL had a real players association like other leagues. Because they don't, we get this kangaroo court with an ego driven clown driving the bus. There should be no reason for Kamara to talk to Goodell if a neutral arbitrator (the former judge) was truly neutral. If anything, Kamara would be talking to the judge next week, not Goodell.

Kamara deserves the repercussions of his actions, true enough, but I wish the league's transparency was...well clear. Goodell has repeatedly proven to be bias and I hate that Kamara has given him the opportunity to exercise those biases again.

Everything you say is true. Can't find fault anywhere in your logic. But until things change, this IS the system we have to work within. With that said, consider this...

Roger likes to have his ring kissed with the appropriate amount of saliva. It seems that contrition is important, but deference to Roger is "more importanter"; and I think AK41 going to Roger's office to kiss the ring is showing the proper amount of saliva. As long as AK41 "owns" it with a "mea culpa" explanation, I think that will demonstrate the appropriate level of contrition. At that point, Alvin will have checked off the 2 most important boxes, which amount to:

yeah, that sounds about right. If AK41 did that, we're looking at a minimum suspension. I'll say 2 games for "minimum involvement" and "poor choice of friends."