90% of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory

The flat Earth might be the dumbest of all to me. I really believe it is a giant troll. How can anyone be that naive.

The dude called himself a "planar theorist." That is adorable.

Every day observations? What does that even mean? Like? Weather? I bet if we used the every day observations from a Aleutian and a Somali, we might get different results. Maybe he means terrain? Heck same example.

I am being facetious, I know he means "it looks flat!" Ridiculousness.

So since I had a meeting get cancelled I will do the math for him. I work in scale so I'll use that illustration here.

The Earth's diameter is 12,742km. A basketball has a diameter of about 24.26cm.

This gives us a ratio of:
1 : 52,522,671

So completing the scale down for humans:

Being the incredibly generous (and admittedly lazy) person I am, I will say the average human is 2m tall (over 6' so way over the actual average).

Using that same ratio we come to about 38 nanometers.

Google tells me that is about the size of a small virus that you would need an electron microscope to see.

So, if we were a virus on a basketball, do you think you would be able to see the curve? No. You wouldn't.

And for fun and perspective, if the Earth was a basketball, and we were the size of ants, we would be bigger than Mount Everest in scale.