Jon Gruden as replacement OC?

That game was in 2011 when Payton voluntarily turned over play calling duties, but it was a great performance all-around. Carmichael was the play caller for 2012 when Payton was suspended, and has called other games here and there (IIRC). right...2011/12 was a weird blur, high of the highs followed by a ridiculous low point (bountygate) right after a kick in the balls from the SF div game.

2012, not sure how I feel about the offense that season...the games we won were because we were able to establish our offense particularly the run game...but the games we lost which outnumbered those wins we struggled early offensively, defense sucked as usual and we had to throw like mad men to keep up. - leading to stat bloat.

I just don't want to look to 11 years ago for proof that Pete is capable, I'm a what have you done for me lately type of guy. We'll see what this year brings. <- about as sunshine-y pumpy I can be