I think retirement is a pipe dream...

Arent you an Asian Wife Guy[tm] ? Maybe you should take a hard look at some Asian countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand et al.. i have a buddy who lives in Vietnam and loves it.. here in Thailand, i had to go to a hospital recently for a minor issue, and after consulting with a doctor, a few tests and filling my prescriptions- my bill came to $67 US dollars.. i have travelers insurance bit didnt even use it .

My wife is Japanese but yea, I think Vietnam isn't a bad call at all. Heck, even Japan is dirt cheap compared to Colorado. The challenge in Japan is that they are already having a hard time taking care of their aging population. I don't know if that's the case with Vietnam or Thailand but I should look into them too.

Miyako and I are going back to Japan next year. We'll probably explore the idea a bit. I really do need to brush up on my Japanese.