Paul Reubens has died

Where was Tinder? Grinder? Facebook? He wasn't trying to get some porn he was trying to get some Vitamin D.

Also, Blockbuster didn't carry porn. I worked at a video store illegally at the age of 15, there was NO PORN.

I don't think any one of us care about the blow back.. The fact that he got arrested for doing what you do in a porn movie is the problem.
If you're the host of a popular children Saturday morning TV show, and you're presenting content to children, yeah that can be a bit of a PR problem for families who complain about a celebrity their kids like or see as a role model misbehaving, you and everyone else over ages of 21 may not care, but you're not kids and frankly, if Reubens had been some middle-aged, big city non-celebrity doing this in an adult film theater, this is a non-story. He was a major celebrity figure who hosted a Saturday morning kids show on CBS. If you're a CBS executive back then or now, how do you manage the blowback from outraged parents across the country whose kids watch his show?

If Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr had existed back then, it probably would've taken far less time for a celebrity like Pee-Wee or anyone else to get busted for something like this. Before Internet, before social media, you'd be amazed at the sort of crazy, unbelievable sheet major celebrities got away with it and most people never heard about it.

You also neglected to mention that HBO, now Showtime and Cinemax showed porn all the time back then and still do.