Paul Reubens has died

Where was Tinder? Grinder? Facebook? He wasn't trying to get some porn he was trying to get some Vitamin D.

Also, Blockbuster didn't carry porn. I worked at a video store illegally at the age of 15, there was NO PORN.

I don't think any one of us care about the blow back.. The fact that he got arrested for doing what you do in a porn movie is the problem.
There have been Congressman, Senators, hell even a few governors who have been kicked out of office, forced to resign, publicly shamed for committing acts similar or even worse then what Reubens got arrested for back in 1991. Gov. Mark Stanford? Gov. Elliot Spitzer of New York? Former NYC congressman Anthony Weiner? Congressman Craig? Congressman Ryan of Illinois?

Don't say there aren't any consequences or that public officials won't be held to accountability if they engage in suspicious or allegedly lewd behavior and their caught in the act.