Does It Bother You That Obama's Middle Name Is Hussein?


be nice or leave :mad:

there is no ask a question and already have your mind made "rasies an eyebrow" as you said

then, by all means, explain why it should raise an eyebrow other than it's the same last name as sadaam hussein.....a mere coincidence......big freaking deal

nothing to see here


i think the results of the pole and the thread rating speak for themselves

Oh give the guy a break. He simply acknowledged that there is a portion of our population that is ignorant enough to have a negative impression of someone or suspicions simply because of a person's name. I see such ignorance regularly, especially over Hispanic surnames. IMO, it's pretty naive to think such prejudices just don't exist. They do. The OP created a poll to see if (and to what degree) it might exist here. That's all. Your acting like he stole your action figure.

Now, will somebody explain to me why people here always refer to Obama as Obama and not Barack (Barry or Hussein), and McCain as McCain (instead of John), but often refer to Clinton as Hillary?