Does It Bother You That Obama's Middle Name Is Hussein?

I know it's one of my pet peeves, but this is what it reminds me of....... The West Austin socialite putting on her garden party, junior league, DAR or whatever is asked near the end of the event if she needs a hand picking things up and wrapping up the leftover food. "No thanks," she replies, "Our boy James will take care of that" or "Our boy James will wrap it up and we'll send it home with him." Then, the "boy" comes in to straighten up and he's a 70 year old black man.

I agree, that Clinton has her first name plastered all over the place, probably in an attempt to establish herself as an individual, and not simply Bill's partner, spouse, extension...... I understand that she has to do that because so many tend to think of her as a part of the "Clinton Machine," a phrase and image Obama likes to perpetuate. But it still needles me to see her so often referred to (here, the media, conversations, etc) as "Hillary" when it's clear we're talking about the presidential candidate Clinton, just as we're talking about McCain and Obama. It's just my pet peeve I guess.....or maybe I have something against the name "Hillary" :scratch:

I think she does it that way since she wants to be differentiated from Bill Clinton. And I think she LIKES it that people know her as "Hillary"

Besides, there are lots of people who are known and called by their first names in politics. "I Like Ike;" people called Fred Thompson "Fred" and Rudy Giuliani "Rudy," people still refer to Swarzenegger as "Arnold" or "Ahnold."

But basically because she has a famous ex-President husband who is campaigning along side her, it makes it sometimes hard to tell which one they are talking about. Yes if they are saying who they are calling the election for "Clinton wins Massachusetts" is not ambiguous, but "Clinton says Bush was bad President" is.

Also -- a better comparison is that GWB was often called GWB and has bumper stickers for him as "W" as a way to differentiate him from his father, GHWB, who was also an famous ex-President (although not his husband and not campaigning alongside him).